Tuesday, April 17, 2007


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I leave this blog open for everyone to comment, mainly because of the friends and people I know who dont have a blogger account who still want to be able to comment or leave me a message, etc. But what gets me is when someone wants to hide behind this ability to leave a nameless comment and voice a nasty opinion.

I read my comments. I pay attention to what is said and think about other opinions and perspectives, but if you're too much of a coward to let me know who you are, I don't give a second thought to what you wrote. Own up to your opinion and if you have something you want to say, say it to my face, don't hide.

I registered for summer classes. I'm not going to take the 2 week mini-mester, instead I'll go to MI to let everyone see Cade, maybe get a night out with Emily and Corrine, and enjoy the ability to have NOTHING to do for a few days. Once school starts I'll be taking English II and Great Religions of the World the first part, and the second session I'm signed up for A&PI. ARGH! It's a 7 AM classs. I'm gonna die. But I know if there's a time when I'll be able to do a 7 AM class it'll be when I'm living with my parents and HAVE to be up because of baby anyway. Plus all my classes will be over by 11:30 so I'll have all day left to play with baby and enjoy the summer weather. ;)

I've been dreaming about him. I don't like it, and it always angers me when I wake up and realize he managed to find his way into my dreams again. I just want him cut out of my life, never to be thought of again.

And it'd be nice if the friend I've been trying to make would respond to my emails so we could set up a playdate...

Back to school work -

~ Me


Anonymous said...

I love you.

Kate said...

Wow that's really immature that this person would hide behind the anonymous name. Some people I swear!!
What a plus about the 7am class!! I bet Cade will LOVE seeing you so early in the afternoon!!
BTW adorable picture/photoshop thing. It's so cute, and he is getting SO big. It's a good thing he got his looks from his mama!!
Love you!

Mom Overboard said...

I had a 7am class a few years ago, I liked it. No one ever came, teacher cut it short. Gave me time to go and get breakfast in between :-)

Getting there early does suck, but you want to enjoy summer, thus you want to get out so you have time to enjoy the afternoon.

I think getting those classes under your belt is really good and an incredibly mature step in the right direction. I'm proud of you for pushing yourself back into school and sticking with it!

Anonymous said...


I hope you know that the nasty anonymous posts aren't me!


Anonymous said...

am I a coward or am I someone who you think you know? are you just mad because we speak the truth?

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is this we you speak of? Grow up. If you think so lowly of Sarah, then stop reading nimwit.

Momma Trish said...

SARAH you need to go to dashboard and reset your comment setting. Don't give that coward (c-u-next tuesday) a stage to perform on. Go under the comments tab and set it to MODERATE. You can have all comments emailed to you first before they are posted. That way, she can post whatever comments she wants, and you delete them....EASY AS PIE BABYCAKES. Let's nip it in the bud.