Sunday, April 8, 2007

it's over

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It's over. Not like I didnt KNOW that already, but it still sucks when it's said to your face.

I'm trying to be brave. I keep reminding myself that really this is a good thing just like it was good before. I just let myself fall in love with all the things he said and promised. For months he was right there every night telling me everything I needed to hear to get through the next day...

He was very apologetic and kind and caring and, of course, wants to be able to be friends still. (bah!)

But you know what the WORST part is? Not this... this... announcement of sorts. No, the worst part was not having anyone to call and say "Get me out of here, I dont want to mope around all damn day."

That's what really sucked the most. That total feeling of being utterly alone and not having the luxury of being able to hide under the covers with my box of tissues.


Lacey said...

Babe! you could have called me! I was home all day! I would have taken you out. :( It may not have been for long, but I would have. =\

You can always call me. I'm only like an hour/hour and a half away (with traffic), and if you need me I'll drive it. I go to my parents who live 45 minutes away all the time!



Mom Overboard said...

You may completely HATE me for saying this, but I have to because while I don't like seeing you hurt and I don't think anyone deserves to be miserable - - this has to be said.

When you say "No, the worst part was not having anyone to call and say "Get me out of here, I dont want to mope around all damn day."" - - That's your fault. You ARE an outgoing person and you ARE VERY easy to make friends with. You've put no effort into doing that because you've spent this entire time planning your life for when you move, and sitting and waiting for things to get back to how they were, that you never once bothered to embrace your new life style and give it a shot. Instead you give it a week, you decided you hated it and you're moving back to MI and that was it. You're at a college, there are hundreds of people around on a daily basis, the fact that you're there already gives you one thing in common, all you had to do was give it a shot.

I realize that relationships and friendships don't grow overnight - but you can't even attempt to say you've tried and failed, because I don't believe it.

You called me one night, and we talked for FIVE hours, I clearly remember my $300 phone bill. So it's not that you have nothing to say and it's not that you're shy. When you came up here and met Brent for the first time, you were chatting and giggling away like nothing.

You haven't even bothered to learn the surrounding areas - - that's how much of a 'shot' you've given this move. ...

Anonymous said...

:( Honey, I promise things will get better. I think you're just in a rut right now. Why not go on Craig's List and post for an exercise buddy to go to the gym with. My neighbor made several nice friends that way-- and it got her motivated to work out. Because they met at the gym, it wasn't too personal or anything. I hope things improve
