Sunday, April 22, 2007

Time Flys...

I was thinking about how busy I'm getting these next couple weeks with finals and all. It's been awhile since I've had so many papers and projects and tests to work on and prepare for. It's a little overwhelming, but I'm sure soon it will pass quickly enough.

Took Trish up on her advice, thanks girl.

And now I will slink off to bed. Just so stinkin' tired! *yawn*


Jess said...

click the site meter and go to the home page and you can make your own.

Corie said...


I just got done reading your post on the "Lets work it out" thread on iv and wanted to say I totally agree with you and if you do start a Yahoo group, please please please, let me know.
I had no idea all this was going on. It seems I've had some of the same issues you've had with certain people and now that I know all this, I'm so done with it.
Anyway, just wanted to agree with you and if you and the other members that have left do have or start a new group, I would love to join.

Corie (corann0906)

Anonymous said...

I hope your not getting anymore crappy messages on your blog - I think your awesome : )

Momma Trish said...

Which advice? The one about moderating comments? I hope so. There is no reason to give dumb dumbs a stage on which to perform!!

Anonymous said...

I think moderating posts is a very good idea.

If I had to wager a guess, I would guess that the person leaving you nasty messages is someone you know in MI who is jealous of you. I don't know who that would be, but I doubt the poster is a total stranger. I think its someone you know.

Anyway, hope all is well.
