Friday, March 30, 2007

But THIS is why we have so many problems...

Finally Friday! Weee! How exciting! This is the first Friday I've been excited for in a long long time. Mainly because this week at school sucked so horribly I wanted to get it over with and start a new week fresh and on a better foot. Has that every happened to you? Ever had a week that you just couldn't wait to get through because you knew the next one you'd do better at?

I have a tough month coming up on me. We're turning into the final stretch for school, 5 weeks to go, and I can already feel the pressure. I constantly wonder to myself though, what was so hard about this before? Why was I never able to care enough about my future before to do this? It's so EASY, especially at the community college level, there is NOTHING to it. I sail through my classes with minimal work (thank you Lord for my natural smarts, I don't know where I'd be without them) and I'm able to have solid B's in my classes. With a little extra effort, I may make 4 As and 1 B in the end.

I am just continually amazed at how my outlook on life and almost anything and everything has changed since I became a mother. I always thought people were exaggerating when they said that, but it's so true. I look at things I was doing and shake my head at myself and go "WHY!" I don't understand why I thought a 40 hour work week was so exhausting. It's NOTHING really. I tell my friends to WORK as much as they can now and pay off everything they can and then save whatever they can because there will come a time when they no longer have the luxury of being able to do that and they'll kick themselves for it.

Cade witnessed his first power outage today. He didn't mind much. We just cuddled on the couch, played a little solitaire, and snuggled and talked about Mr. Ducky and LinkyDoo. He tells the most amazing stories this little one does.

When it was time for dinner I panicked because there was no way to warm his food, but I remembered how my mom had (behind my back) bought 6 Gerber Organic babyfood cubes. We'd already had a discussion about how I went through the trouble of making his food, and it only needed 45 seconds in the microwave to be ready, and it was how I wanted to feed him, use the food I made!!!!!! So I reach into the drawer and *gasp* they are ALL gone.

I asked my mom where she moved them, and she goes "Oh, well, I used them."

WHAT! Do you not realize that I expressly told you I wanted to use the food I prepared for him instead of the packaged stuff? We've had this discussion nearly a dozen times now. I don't know how to make her understand this is NOT her kid. Cade is MINE and I make the decisions. If I want him to eat homemade babyfood, that's what he will eat. Got it?

So then she gets defensive and goes "we'll it's only when you're not here to make your food."

Again, what is so difficult about taking two ice cubes of frozen pureed fruits and veggies, putting them in a bowl, and hitting "45 seconds" on the microwave?

So then she goes to the other cupboard and pulls out a new jar of babyfood and goes "They were on sale."

I look at the ingredients : Bananas, water, citric acid, corn syrup, another acid

This is why I want to make my OWN food for Caden. I do not want him eating babyfood with added ingredients. I want him to get used to eating fresh fruits and veggies and develop healthy eating habits. He will not have soda before he's 4 or 5 years old. He will learn to enjoy drinking water over juice, and I till teach him how to make healthy snack choices.

But yet again, my mother has decided that this is "silly", and went behind my back to buy jarred baby food with crap ingredients to feed to my kid because obviously I am not capable of making an educated decision about this topic.

Just like I wasn't able to make a decision about when I wanted to start feeding him solids and that became an almost nightly argument.

She does not know how to back off and let me parent my child. This is why I am always so upset and angry and never feel fully supported by her.

I would have no problem if she would ask me to make sure I have Cade's breakfast ready before I leave for school in the morning. I just assumed she was comfortable with feeding him the food I made.

And the kicker? As I feed him these nasty sugared bananas, she walks by and goes "He always likes your food better than the jarred."

Well if that's so, why don't you feed him it?

I just don't know what to do anymore.


Anonymous said...

Bah, I don't get her.

Momma Trish said...

Ugh! So frustrated for you. All I can say is that you won't be there forever. And hopefully you get to make the really big decisions for him. (not that food isn't a big decision, it is. as long as he is getting MOSTLY homemade food, it's fine...)

Lacey said...

you can always get a place with me and ryan :)

Anonymous said...

Ugh, how frustrating! I know you've tried everything to get her to listen to you. I'll tell you one thing though, I commend you for staying with your parents. My mom questions my parenting from an ocean away and I want to lose my mind. Stay strong, you're awesome!

Anonymous said...

Well, look at it this way. You're doing the healthy thing 90% of the time. If she feed him canned fod the other 10%, in the end, it won't hurt him. I'm with you, home-made all the way and that's what I would do for my baby. BUT, in the end, no harm will come to him so it's better to just count to ten in your head and let it go rather than pick a fight over it. Love that new picture of Caden on the front page. He has such big eyes. :)
