Thursday, March 29, 2007

Mother of the Year Award goes to...

Me. :(

Today I grumpily set Cade on the sofa with a toy, turned around to lay a blanket on the floor for him to play on, turned back around and saw him pitch head first off the sofa onto the hardwood floor.

That image is forever burned into my memory, seeing his head landing on the floor and the rest of his body following. It almost seemed photoshopped, like someone cut out a picture of him sitting and turned it around to make it look like he was balancing on his head.

I also just BOMBED a test today, I'm talking like 50% (or lower) bombed. Ugh. I'm slipping right now in my study habits and loosing interest. The weather is nice, I want to be out doing things, and stuff happening in my personal life is taking over my thoughts and it's hard to push it all to the back of my mind and concentrate on studying.

Maybe he'll give me some extra credit or something...


Momma Trish said...

RE your comment on my blog: I don't think I will ever tell her, because there are just some things that are better left untold. Even though my condition is because of her and about her, doesn't mean she has to know. I think it's okay to reserve some dignity in front of your kids, and to keep some things private. Now, if she were to have children one day, and tell me she was suffering, that would be different. But I will definitely keep it to myself until then....

As for Cade, like I said in ivillage, you were hurt more than he, I'm sure. We will all have our bad days. Trust me. I know I do...

Lacey said...

Babe, do NOT feel bad about him falling on his head, it has happened to all children (mothers?) at least once. Don't even worry about it!

Anonymous said...

Accidents happen, he'll be fine. No worries.


Mom Overboard said...

It's too close to being the end of the semester, don't let yourself get caught up in the weather.

I watched an AMAZING child development movie while I was subbing practical nursing today... It gave me SO much insight to babies and their personality development, more than I'd ever care to know. anyhow - - did you know how you react to his aches and pains now will reflect how he reacts to yours when he's between like 4-6. random things caught my attention.

He'll be fine, until you develop that 14th extra hand and the second set of eyes, it's gonna happen, he's fine - don't dwell :(