Saturday, March 24, 2007

True Friends

Anytime you have a sosial network on the internet where people can "meet" and make new friends you're bound to have people being diffferent than they really are. It's just understood, being online gives you a certain ... ability to create a whole new persona if the shoe fits. Then it never fails that eventually those who pretended to be something they're not drop the act and become their true self. This is when it starts to lose the fun. When people you thought you knew turn out to be someone else and you're left wondering if everyone is the same way.
I hate this stage in "internetships". There are a few, very very few, people I have come to talk too and be friends with who never did this. They never pretended to be any different than they really are and we've had some amazing friendships. They've actually been able to help show me what a real true friendship is. You can disagree with each other, you can get angry at each other, but in the end it's those moments that make you realize how much you enjoy the other person and how glad you are to have them in your life.
I'm seriously thinking of letting go of a couple social networks I've belonged to throughout my pregnancy and after becaue of how the people are changing now. It's not fun anymore. I mis it being fun.
<3 Me


Jess said...

i'm sorry :(

Anonymous said...

I miss you Ly. When people ask me if I know everyone on my myspace, I always laugh...because even though I don't know you...I've known you longer than a lot of people that I am great friends with in "real life". I can't even begin to imagine what my life would be like without you. I think that this summer, you and Cade should come to Charleston and spend a week or so with me. I'll even help with the plane ticket. It would get you out of your house, in a totally new vacation environment. My boyfriend's kids will be here (3 and 6), and we will already be planning a lot of family stuff. Beach time, picnics, barbeques, and the like. I will have Bobby and all that crap. Plus, it gives you some time to truly relax. Think about it lady.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that. Sometimes you grow and have to leave people behind and that's just how it is. :( I was happy to hear about your success with Caden

Momma Trish said...

Friendships take a long time to cultivate. And distance doesn't make for good fertilizer! I have not made many 'close' friends, but have connected with a few. It's all about expectations. What have you gone into it, expecting to get out of it? For our 'clique', I started out wanting nothing more than helpful baby tips, but was surprised to actually connect with a few girls. An added bonus.

Lacey said...

Babe! You know I love you and only want the best for you and Caden. I'm so glad we met, you're one of my closest friends. I'm always here for you if you need it!
