Friday, January 26, 2007

Two guesses...

The Doctor's office called today to tell me my Pap back in December was abnormal. Apparently, I now have HPV.
Those are very dangerous words to tell someone over the phone and not back up with more information and details. Okay, so, obviously I can google HPV and find out lots of information, I wont post it all here though. What I will post is how terrifying it is to have someone tell you that you have HPV, and you know that SOME strands cause cancer. SOME strands cause warts. SOME strands are bad, but how the hell do I know which is which?
"According to an article published in 1997 in the American Journal of Medicine, about 74 percent of Americans--nearly three out of four--have been infected with genital HPV at some point in their lives. " link :
Okay, so that makes me feel a LITTLE better, I know I'm not the only one, but it still pisses me off that they can't tell me over the phone if I have a high-risk strand or not for cancer. Please people, that's ALL I want to know. How bad is it going to be? What am I facing?
Now on to more important matters, although it really doesnt matter, two guess as to where this came from... I've already called them both.


Anonymous said...

Oh honey, wish I knew what to say, but it doesn't sound too too serious, or else they would have said something. HPV is very common. *snuggles*

Anonymous said...

Okay DON'T PANIC. HPV can increase the chances of getting cancer but it's not cancer and the doctor did not say you're in any risk right now. So, deep breath, this is bad news but not the end of the world-- don't panic. You will be all right. And you did the responsible thing by calling B and J to let them know. I hope they can get tested soon too. It's okay, it's not the best news every but not the end of the world.

Mom Overboard said...

HPV is almost like the common cold now a days unfortunately. I'm sure it will be fine...

And they took their shovel back AND kept mine. . . .now I'm ticked