Friday, January 26, 2007

Questions and goals...

I'm at school right now, during break, which I only have an hour break each day. It's just enough time for me to eat something, pump for twenty minutes, and then get to my next class. If I'm lucky, like today, I'm not very hungry and skip the eating part and get online to print offf class notes and check my email before running to pump.

Anyway... I've decided to try out the LAFitness gym nearby. It's open until midnight most weeknights which is perfect for me because Caden usually goes to sleep around 7 ish and then I can feel free to eat something and get over to the gym and not feel rushed to finish before 10 which is when most of the gyms around here close. I've printed off a "free guest pass" today and plan on trying it out tonight.
I've never been able to follow a weight loss plan before, I hate the whole concept of one really. My goal isn't how many pounds I loose it's how I feel about myself. I want to feel good about my body and since I've had Caden I just don't. I've always had issues with my body image and in high school had borderline eating disorders, but now more than ever I want to be a hot momma.
My body has forever been changed since carrying a baby and I'm willing to respect that. I'm just not willing to stay overweight. I know exercising will also help my mood by helping to reduce stress and allow me to sleep better. I just need to have a way to make sure I continue to go to the gym.
Anyway, need to jet off to pump before class...
... Love, Me ...

1 comment:

Mom Overboard said...

Good luck on the gym thing - - maybe it will provide you with the time to yourself that you need. I know I personally have amazing conversations with myself when I work out, and I always feel so much better when I'm done. BUT exercising that late might make it hard to get to sleep, putting you in an awkward cycle, so trying on a friday is probably a good idea :-)
