Friday, July 20, 2007

Another Update, so we can laugh together...

So that guy... We'll call him Blondie. He does this adorable "Mmmmm Mmmmmm Mmmmm" he does when he's thinking about something he doesnt quite get. But it's funny, because he's taller than me (a requirement in my book) and he's in college (a total plus) but he's YOUNG. I havn't asked him, but I saw his liscence is the one that's vertical for those who are under 21. Also, this sounds bad, but some of you will understand, sometimes when I talk to him I don't feel like he and I are on the same plane. Granted our conversations are pretty much all about A&P, but still, for me, this class is a medium difficulty level. I do have to study, but I'm not anywhere near over my head. I manage to get things easily enough, he needs lots of studying to get it. I stayed after in the tutorial lab yesterday for 5 hours helping some of my classmates study for the exams next week, and he came in and joined us, and it was painful to me to figure out how to explain things. I think by the end I was getting better at it, but painful in the beginning because he didnt seem to get anything.

He's not dumb (I don't think), he just learns in a totally different way than I do, which makes it hard to learn together.

Anyway, so my hopes and daydreams of finding someone to date were tossed aside. We might get together Sunday to study for the test(s) but I'm not counting on it. I had a couple study group invites actually, but it's just too hard with Cade right now, and this test, while tough, is not over my head. Maybe next time...

I just left school on Thursday feeling so happy at having so many hours of adult interaction. And who knew you could get so excited about a good slide of mitosis? LOL.


Lacey said...

Poor lady, you just can't find anyone right now. Maybe that's good though. No distractions! We need to get together, SOON. I'm out of town from Monday until Friday or Saturday. Hopefully I'll see you before I leave, if not, then when I get back. I have an U/S on the 3rd if you want to come to that (Weird invite? I don't think so. I'm excited. Lol.) or we can do something the next weekend. ANYWAY! Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Hi, just wanted to let you know that suddenly your blog is blocked by my work firewall. Annoying. I'll still check in at home. And feel free to link to my journal if you'd like. Hope all is well.
