Sunday, July 29, 2007

Just a General Post

Dr. House continues to poke and message me on FaceBook. It's comical conversation, but still... I've spent so much of my life having friendships over the internet with people I never met or only saw once every couple years, and I'm trying to move past that now. Even though some of my best friends are people I've met online, I want people here where I am that I can visit and talk to and go out with. I'm about to cut Dr. House off and tell him to find someone closer because otherwise, knowing me, suddenly I'll realize I kinda like him a few months down the road and then I'll be back in the lame pitiful spot I've been before.

Did I mention I Cyber Stalked Blondie and found out he's 21 and dating a 17 yr old? Yeah. Made my stomach churn a little. When did 17 become a "kid". Wasn't I 17 just a couple months ago and thinking I was the top shit? Wasn't I 19 just a couple days ago and thinking I had it all figured out? And just a few hours ago wasn't I 21 and the coolest chick to live on the planet? Wow... how time changes.

I have a long week in front of me (again) Classes never used to be this hard, not hard so much that I dont understand. Hard in that I actually have to make an effort to seal my A. Go Figure.

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