Wednesday, July 18, 2007

There's this guy...

In my class who's really cute and we're dissecting a cat together.

Yes, we're spending time together outside of class scraping skin and fat off a cat and finding the muscles (and other parts). Great conversation starter when you go "Hold on a minute I think I can just tear this off" and fatty tissues fly across the room.

Damn Precious and I have been talking more though. Oh, yeah, I didnt TELL you. *smile* Remember the girl I tried to hook up with though my teacher's myspace or whatever? She's in my class, we sit next to each other and seem like maybe we'll get together outside of class. I hope so.

I'm so tired my eyes are watering and I can't stop yawning. Maybe tomorrow....

1 comment:

Hef said...

ooooooohhhh! A guy-friend and another single mommy to hang with? Go, you! I knew some friendships in TX would come your way eventually! Good luck!