Thursday, June 7, 2007

Strong Reflections Photography

It's here. Yup I manged to pick a name. Can you believe it? HA! Excited though. I hope this works. I just hope I don't fall on my face and embarass myself.

I talked to a friend today and it hit me.

Thank GOD I got out of there when I did.

Now, I have some awesome friends. I have people in Michigan whom I love and adore and wish nothing but the best. Friends who would drop anything to help me if I needed it. But, I also had friends who were doing nothing to help me move forward in life. They were so consumed with their own faults and shortcomings they preyed upon me and cut me down. And I just realized how much I don't miss many of them.

I'm pretty much friendless here in TX. There are a few people I message on myspace now and again, but overall I just don't care anymore. School keeps me busy. Caden keeps me busy. And now this photography keeps me from sleeping. I don't feel like I have time to care that I'm not the most popular person. I have something better than friends right now, I have ambition and dreams.

Likewise, although I miss and crave the physical benefits of a man, I do NOT miss the trouble they cause and how much TIME it takes. What if I had a boyfriend right now? I'd have to pay attention to him. Men are not like dogs where you can feed and water and shove them out the door. No, they want attention. They like to come up and try to kiss you when you're on the phone, or snuggle right in the middle of your movie or TV show. They're just so damn distracting!

However, they do come in handy once in awhile when you're in the mood.

Speaking of... Jason's DUI hearing is over and he has some classes to take and a restricted license for 90 days. He's moving to FL on Monday though, go figure. *shrugs* I dunno, whatever. He's a big boy, he can make his own decisions. As for me and my son, we will continue to be happy and live well.

Off to homework...

<3 Me


Anonymous said...

I love you and your dreams. You know that lady? I am so incredibly proud of have taken some really tough circumstances and done something absolutely amazing with it. I wish you all the best, and I hope that you consider me one of your closest friends. I love you very much.

How were your cookies?

Anonymous said...

I would love to see your work. Do you have a website?

Anonymous said...

Your photos are lovely. I am think you made 110% the right decision leaving Michigan when you did. :)
