Sunday, June 3, 2007

How Long? Too Long.

How is it possible to not have enough time to stop by and write about my day? How does five minutes to mention the basic happpenings really affect my sleeping schedules? I guess I can justify anything these days.

Summer school is "fine" but fast paced. I like it. I like not getting a breather during the week (for four days) and then getting the extended weekend to play. Likely as the semester goes on I wont get much play time on the weekend, but this weekend I took full advantage of all my play time with Cade and the pool. He loves to swim.

He loves to swim. He loves being in the water, splashing, kicking. We have a floatie turtle thing he likes to sit in and kick around, and then there is the regular adult float he likes to sit in as well. Such a little fish just like his momma.

We're aslo standing up now. He pulls himself up in his crib, up on the couch, on his toys, on your leg. With this comes more agile crawling and faster crawling times.

Wouldn't you know, though, that the day he actually gets the hang of this crawling thing and takes off is the day the dog has the runs and I'm running around the house trying to beat Cade to the pile o' poo, then use one hand to scrub and one hand to fend him off form getting involved in the process.

I love being a mom.

We made Archer Farms blueberry muffins last night and are enjoying the spoils of our labor this morning for breakfast. It's a good feeling.

And although I'm really enjoying this blogging session, the sky has turned green outside with billowing clouds and I feel my maternal instincts telling me to go check the weather station, "just in case".

Hopefully soon,


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