Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Fall Semester

I just sat down and registered for my fall semester, 17 credit hours in all. I really think I have gone insane and I'm just waiting for the world to catch up with me. There is no other explanation.
So, if I follow the plan I made for myself, I will have just fall and winter semester left before I can transfer to TCU and enter their nursing program. It's going to be rough, really rough, especially since I screwed myself out of an A in my current English class and just clinging to the hope of pulling a B. Either way, not the grades I should be getting and no one to blame but myself.
Speaking of English, my amazing and wonderful English teacher wants to learn how to blog so I told her I'd show her and share my blog with her. What was I thinking?!?!? Now she's going to read through my blog and see my spelling and grammar errors and think I'm a dunce. :-D LOL.
I have another long night ahead of me. Once again I've pushed things off to the last minute and have a bunch of revisions to make on a paper and an exam tomorrow. I think the organization fairy needs to visit me and share a little of her organization dust with me.
Talked to J last night about the late fees. He, of course, blamed Dennis for not returning them on time. Because, again, nothing is EVER J's fault, he's ALWAYS the victim.
Say a prayer it's not genetic.
<3 Me

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ly! it's been way too long since I caught up on your blog. Caden is even cuter than last time I saw a picture of him, which I didn't think was possible! His eyes are just amazing. He is SO lucky to have such intense eyes. Those are gonna be lady killers when he's older ;)

I'm sorry J is still finding a way to make your life miserable. I hope you get every last penny of child support you deserve. I'll be stopping by more often to see how things are going :D *hugs*