Monday, June 4, 2007

My Love of 8 months

Today I watched you as you crawled away from me to your toy area, pick up a toy and play. We'd just spent 30 minutes or so crawling around the coffee table together, with my eyes tearying up at seeing you coordinate your hands and knees together to move yourself forward with the jerky speed of a drunken turtle, but you were moving. You'd graduated from the inchworm arm crawl to a real baby crawl.

And I realized that today was the first time you'd ever crawled away from me to play with a toy. How bittersweet to know that as proud of you as I am for your growth and maturation, all too soon I will forever be staring at your back watching you walk away from me. It is my only hope that as many times during the day you may run, walk, crawl or scamper away, you will always find yourself coming back at the end of the day.

I need to spend more time updating your (many) baby books. I've slacked off.


Lacey said...

Need. Time. Away. And Caden is so darn CUTE! I told Ryan that he's crawling now and he goes "Holy crap. He's going to be in college soon!" I need to see baby before he gets too big. Call me/txt me and set something up!

Anonymous said...

He is so cute. I love reading your updates and seeing his pictures.