Saturday, May 26, 2007


Cade and I are stuck at the airpost right now. I'm using my laptop while he's crawling around and making a mess. We still have about another hour to wait, been here for 4 already. :( So hard trying to keep him happy.
Jason impresed me this trip with how involved with caden he was. Its nice to know he does care for Cade a great deal, it's nice to have someone to share part of that with. It doesnt change his shortcomings or his past mistakes.
I'm excited to start putting together a portfolio ad try to get this to work. I'll post more of Angie's pictures eventually, they're very nice I'm pleased. I'm encouraged too to see how excited she was with them and how EASY it was to touch them up. It just makes me more excited that maybe I can get this to work, maybe...
I'm going to just leave you with that for now as I'm tired of being a mom and having to care for a cranky 8 month old in the middle of the airport. We were doing so well for awhile too and now he's about to fall apart. We're both tired.
Hopefully once I get home and get a good night's sleep I'll feel more like writing and updating.

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