Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Moving On...

It's time to share pictures with everyone.

Can you believe Cade is 6 months already? Well 6 months and nearly 2 weeks. It boggles my mind. I cannot understand how this tiny person actually came from my womb. He is so amazing in every aspect, just the thought of knowing that without me, this person, this personality, this giver of smiles and bright blue eyed snuggler would never have existed.

How awesome is the power of motherhood.

We are not yet crawling, but he's trying so very hard. He often gets on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth and looks at me like "Doesnt this deserve a chocolate cookie?"

And he's so PROUD of himself. Who knew babies could be proud? But he can, and he is. Every time he learns something new or reaches a new milestone he squeals and babbles and yaks until someone comes and watch him display this new talent... over and over and over again until you're stuck thinking to yourself "When is he old enough to send to his room again?"

But the smiles...

No one told me how amazing and precious and priceless those smiles would become. How anxious you are to return back to home just so you can walk in and see him look at you and give you one of THOSE smiles.

It's moments like these, that I see him, see how much he worships me, and I know that I wouldn't hesitate a single moment to risk life and limb to be able to see him smile even one more time.

He still doesnt sleep through the night. In fact he wakes up about four times still. And his napping skills are not fully developed, but he's the love of my life and the reason why I no longer complain or care about how sleep deprived I am. About how my eyes burn during the day, or how I no longer care if I get a shower in everyday. If we're doing every other day we're just fine. How I am quite happy with getting B's in my classes because if it means sacrificing time with him to make A's, I'll stick with the B's and know that one letter grade is worth being able to spend an extra hour with him each day.

He's just become my everything.

I get so excited when I think about all the things we can do when he's older. All the places I can take him, sights to show him, lessons to help teach him.

I want to take vacations with him and show him how to find the beauty in a simple sunset. How to stop and catch your breath and find the awe and wonder in the world around you. How to not get caught up in the fast pace of society and miss the true lessons of life.

And, believe it or not, I'm looking forward to the messes, the trouble, the breaking of things. I'm looking forward to all the predicaments he will get himself into along the way. Those are the memories you have, the times worth remembering.

But for now, he's still my little angel face.

and I'm just waiting for it to be nap time...


Jennifer said...

Oh girl, he's adorable!! And that smile! He's going to be a heartbreaker!

Anonymous said...

are you kidding me.....that kid is SO FREAKIN are right that smile is worth a thousand bucks :)

Anonymous said...

So freaking cute! they are all getting so big so fast. I can't believe it!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh he is SO CUTE! I am so glad you posted pictures :)


P.S.- Just so you know, not all the anonymous posts are me. From now on I'll sign my name so it's clear.

Kate said...

He is so adorable!!

How wonderful babies smiles and giggles are....seriously just wait for the "mama". Aww.

Glad you're loving Mommyhood and you seem to be finding your own nich (yay!!).

I hope you two have another wonderful 6 months.

Hey, I changed my address for my blog. It's

Much love to you and Cade!!

Jennifer said...

Honey, I just have to say, all your posts could bring tears to my eyes. You in such simple words have totally explained exactly how I"m feeling about MJ. Our little sunflowers are growing so fast. It saddens me and at the same time makes me sooo happy!!

Mr Cade is such a cutie and a joy!!