Wednesday, August 8, 2007

to explain

I deleted a post because I didn't feel it fair to bring someone into a pissing contest who didn't ask to be involved.

However, I'm still up for one and would encourage you to email me if you'd like to continue...

Ranting and Raving has left a new comment on your post "Because I feel like getting into a pissing match ...":

Don't flatter yourself, that was my first comment, and this will be my last.

I am not part of "some group" that keeps leaving you unsigned comments. I am simply an individual that has sat around and watched you bitch and moan about how horrible your life is, seeking sympathy and attention, when it seems you are better off than most.

You bring in no income, mooch off the government, bitch that you lost WIC checks when you probably shouldn't even be collecting them in the first place, complain about your free daycare situation, and yet you have the audacity blow money on an extravagent camera.

It's ironic that you mention some group hounding you when you've been blowing smoke and high praise up Trish's ass all day. You're like a little puppy dog that is lost without somebody to follow.

Trish stands up for herself. I like that. She doesn't deserve to be bashed the way she was. And my finances are none of your concern, but thank you for your thoughts.

I do take offense at your idea that I am mooching off the government. You and everyone else know my situation and living circumstances and if I use the resources available to me while I am completing my education so that I will not longer have to use government assistance in order to provide for my son, how is that mooching? That's what they're there for. I hardly moan about my life being horrible anymore, but like any other breathing human being I have complaints and useless vents. I get frustrated and angry and make mistakes and sometimes I even just need a good cry to clear my head. That's what this place is for. This is my cry place. I like it here. I can say whatever I want to say and there's nothing you can say to that. So, again, if you don't like me, don't like what I say, don't like what I do, please don't waste your time on me.


Anonymous said...

If you can afford a camera that is over $1000 you can afford your own formula.

How do you argue that? Just curious.

and I'm not afraid to sign my name. I am not one make anonymous comments and hide behind the web.


MaverickMommy said...

I don't argue. It's my money. My finances are explained and examined during the application process, I trust them to know what they're doing. When my son turns one we will have to reapply an be looked at again before I receive any more WIC coupons.

Anonymous said...

oh FFS!

Sarah, that Kimberly isn't me. That's just some idiot who saw my name in your comments.

Spend your damn money however you please. So long as your son is fed, housed, and clothed, it's really nobody's business.

Anonymous said...

not sure who that last comment was.. but I am sure that you can see where the IP is originating and can see that I am not trying to impersonate anyone.

Kimberly aka millionaire.mama

Anonymous said...

How she spends her money is other people's business if she is using benefits from the government and state to support her son when she can otherwise afford it.


Anonymous said...

The prior comment has it absolutely right. It is our money and our business. Just because it's within the limits of the law doesn't mean it's ethical.

The law might not be detailed enough to address her specific situation (living with well-to-do parents, no income of her own). Given what else she can afford to buy, it seems she and her son would manage just fine without a check from the government for formula and cheerios. Ethically, it would make sense to opt out.

Situations like this make right-wingers whine about "the girl at the supermarket with the Gucci purse and WIC checks" and call their congressmen to shut down the whole program. And that's a shame for the women out there who DO need the help.

Anonymous said...

Get over it and get a life.

Anonymous said...

OMG! I can't believe how mean some of you gals can be! Don't you have something better to do with your time than to come on someone's blog and bash them?? It's a shame we all can't be perfect like you!