Thursday, August 16, 2007

For Real?

So FOB and I are instant messaging tonight and he fills me in that he talked to his mom yesterday and mentioned that my mom had flown up early with Caden. His mom gets upset that no one told her or "let" her see Caden.

Sarah says (12:29 AM):
Love your mom but she has no right to be upset
Jason says (12:30 AM):
well hes been in michigan how long and nobody let her see him
Jason says (12:30 AM):
thats why shes upset he is only her grandson and your mom is around him every single day
Jason says (12:31 AM):
and she gets to see him um never and she said she called you a few times

Sarah says (12:36 AM):
no one helped me with my ticket, no one has sent anything - money or otherwise - to help me with Caden in months. The last few times I've be in the area your parents have always had other plans they went and did rather than spend time with Caden. Even this time, they're going to their golf outing tomorrow rather than see him. So forgive me if I'm not about to bed over backwards to figure out...
Sarah says (12:36 AM):
when a good time is. They've called once, two days ago, I didnt get a chance to call back until tonight. I've been busy with finals, not avoiding anyone. Today is the first day that Caden was in the area, and I had assumed that I would be taking him over to their house tomorrow night
Sarah says (12:37 AM):
however, I guess now they're going to be busy so that won't work and they will have to wait until Saturday.

Seriously? Are we getting this petty and catty? Are they really going to get all pissy because my mom flew up a couple days early and went to visit my Aunt in another city and I didnt TELL them? I was unaware they cared so much about seeing their grandson, cared so much about seeing him that they'd wait a whole extra day before seeing him so they could go to their golf outing.

*eye roll*

Things are so much easier when I'm in Texas.

1 comment:

Lacey said...

Wow.. how old are these people? "I know we never help you with anything but we have a RIGHT to see our grandchild - the grandson that neither we nor our son (the baby's FATHER) have helped you with in who knows how long. But we still have the right."

Well, you, as the Mom, have the right to decide who he sees and when, and it is none of their business if he goes to see other family. I could MAYBE understand if it was same city, but it wasn't, so it shouldn't even be an issue. As for FOB, he hasn't helped you with baby in a long time either, and as far as I'm concerned when he stops helping you raise him, he loses the right to complain about anything baby related. End of story.

URGH! Now *I'M* mad! Lol.

Also, hormones kicked in yesterday. Remind me to tell you about my fit in the middle of 6 Flags. ;)

Love you!