Monday, August 6, 2007

It's a very good day...

So I must admit that I heard this song by Ingrid Michaelson and it's all stuck in my head and I can't get it out of there. I hate when that happens. And I'm the kind of person who will randomly burst into song just because I've been singing it in my head and I got to the good part and no longer can hold it inside me.

Yes I'm weird. I know. I like it.

We had a test today. To back up, last week Friday I did a session with a newborn (3 weeks) to try and get some practice in. My mom watched Cade for me and the second I got home she and I got into it (again) and spent the rest of the weekend giving each other the silent treatment. This is so frustrating to me. I feel like she is forever hounding me and criticizing me over things that she either has no input or control over, or that she needs to understand I have way to change. I'm in summer school, I work my butt off, I barely have time to do anything I want to do so forgive me if my room is a pigsty. It's really, honestly, not a priority for me. I dont care that the clean clothes are piled high on my bed. I know I should, but I don't. And I would love to help scrub the floors and do the toilets, but it's hard to dig out the chemicals and do that while Cade is crawling around. And when he sleeps, one I can't work on my room but two I'm usually studying.

Anyway, all that to say that I didnt get a lot of quality study time in over the weekend since no one was able to help me with Cade. It was fine, he and I had a good weekend together and go out and about. I even managed to get a couple cute pictures of him. But when it came to studying it was a no go nearly all weekend. A few nights I was able to look things over and sunday night I read through my notes slightly, but I went into the test expecting to get a lower grade than normal and have it be my dropped test. I ended up getting a 93 on it.

I'm so excited with how well I'm doing in this class. I love learning and having it be actually challenging. I was one of those lucky people in high school who never had to study because I always understood everything and I HATED to memorize facts because they seemed to useless to me. Why do I have to know that date in history? I dont care about the date, I just want to know what happened. But I'm thrilled things are going so well so far. Let's just hope I can keep it up this fall.

Speaking of... Blondie asked me today what class I'm in for this fall so he could sign up for it too.

*raise eyebrow*

All the fall nursing classes filled up two days after registration opened. Which I've said to him for weeks now. Thankfully though two women from my current class (Damn Precious & Bobbie [so named because she has a bob cut, ha!]) are taking the same class as I am so I will have some familiar company to study with.

Wednesday is our second lab test. I plan to stay after tomorrow until the tutorial lab closes to finish studying and hopefully pull another high A (managed a 98 last test) so I wont have to stress out about the final next week.

Back to reality...

Veronica - did you get my note?


Anonymous said...

Maybe if you stopped trying to be a photographer you would have time to study and watch Cade instead of making your mom do it.

Give it up already. You suck. You are a wanna-be and will never have good pictures.

Anonymous said...

Didn't get your note. Kiwinote or email? Off to check now.

As for the prior poster, get a life. Her pictures are lovely and last I checked it wasn't your job to manage her time.


Momma Trish said...

Thank you for what you said on the board. I really appreciate it, and you're one of the only honest, genuine people on there and I like your call-it-like-you-see-it attitude. You're not afraid to speak your mind and I admire that. And it doesn't matter to me if you agree or don't agree with my POV. What matters is that you agree with my right to say it. Thank you again.

Momma Trish said...

OH, and to that crazy anonymous commentor: As parents, are we not entitled to hobbies and second jobs? Are you serious? Can we not take time for ourselves?? Wow, you're retarded.

Tiffany said...

Since you think it's perfectly ok for people to bash each other in blogs, as long as no names are used, can you tell me who I'm talking about here?

I cannot stand backstabbers. It's even worse when the people you stab in the back are supposed to be your friends. Unfortunately, I know this girl that has a tendency to do just that. She doesn't care who she hurts as long as she comes out ahead. One of her friends wanted to be a photographer and start her own business. Low and behold, her backstabber friend started multiple photography businesses, using "creativity" as her selling point. Unfortunately, her "creative" photos look just like every other professional picture I've ever seen, and even the idea to become a photographer was stolen from somebody else.