Thursday, August 2, 2007

It never works...

I keep telling myself that it's just because he's the first guy I've been able to interact with since being down here. Since J and I broke up. Since I got into the mess with B and started to move on.

I think I'm just horny. I can't get him out of my mind tonight. Don't really understand it. If I sit down and am honest with myself I can say he has qualities about him which I dont need. He's scatterbrained. Very smart, but seems to lack a sense of responsibility/ common sense / maturity. He's nice, very nice. Very Justin Timberlake-ish cute. (Looks like he's 15) And his momma likely does his laundry for him.

So very not what I need.

But, damnit, I need a date, a conversation with a guy, a casual flitation, a seductive evening, a spinning kiss... I need to get laid.

I know it's just the "first guy" syndrome. but it still sucks. *sigh*

Doesnt help that HE found my on myspace and added me. Just makes me sit there and think "How far can I push this flirting thing before something happens" I'm a good flirt, I know this, but that doesnt mean I should be using my abilities unless I have a reason. But, dammit, he flirted back!!! And he thinks I'm smart.

Do you know how cool that is? To have a guy think you're smarter than they are? Never had that before. Never had so many people consider me to be the "smart" one of the class. It's an interesting feeling.

Watched "Because I Said So" tonight. God that is so going to be my life. Seriously.



Anonymous said...

You know what Sarah? There's nothing wrong with some good old fashioned sex, so long as you're careful. In fact, sometimes? It's almost a matter of sanity.

I know, I know...Nice girls don't and love and relationships and all that...but honestly, as a solo mom, with a child to put first, who has the time or energy to devote to that?

I guess what I'm saying is, no one says he has to be marriage material for you to enjoy his company. And in fact, it can be so much less complicated if he's not.

hancock_alisha said...

sarah i agree with kimberly. i have btdt and man it was great! i say go for it. if he is not marriage material that is fine just dont get any connections (feelings) for the man. gl. get you some good raunchy sex! lol.