Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Why is it so complicated?

I get an email from FOB today...

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: XXX
Date: 01 May 2007, 10:48

emotionally free?? so i take it there is no chance for us what so ever?


*scratches head*

I thought we already went through this?

Not to mention, this is the comment he was talking about, posted in a myspace "blog"

btw - I'm fantabulous at the moment. Lots of school shit to do, but I dont think I've been this emotionally free in months.

This has NOTHING to do with him. I replied back that it had nothing to do with him, and then he and I should work on being friends and letting everything else go so it didnt get messy and drama. Then he replies with "Too Late"

Ugh. Ok? I must have missed a memo here at some point or another.

On a brighter note, he did call later to tell me that "our son" (as he tends to call Cade) is beautiful and "we're" so lucky. Of course I know this, but it just is odd to hear him say it is all...

<3 Me

ps. I'm sorry you're hurt. You should know I never try to intentionally hurt you. I wish you'd know I love you and want us to be close. Every relationship is a balance, we just need to find ours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No offense to FOB but...

How can you ever expect to have a "chance" with a person who you left holding the bag entirely when it comes to the financial, emotional, and day-to-day care and reasonsibility for your "beautiful son." Does he really think that's a fair way to treat someone? Why would you ever be open to a relationship with someone who acts that way? Food for thought, if he's reading.
