Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Caden, I just wanted to say...

I just wanted to tell you how much I cannot wait for the first time we create our own tradition together. I want us to volunteer at a soup kitchen during Thanksgiving, to weed out our closets after Christmas and give to a shelter, to donate a percentage of our earnings to our favorite charity, to simply offer our help to a neighbor in need.
I want to teach you, son, the importance of random acts of kindness, and how you really can inspire change in the world. I want to teach you that Love is Action, and show you how to live a life full of positive experiences.
I want you to gain an understanding of how fortunate you are, no matter how low you feel, and understand that it's not always about you.
Dear Caden, please don't rush to grow up on account of me, but when you're ready, I just cannot wait to start showing you the world as I want you to see it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw your blog link on the baby names board which I lurk at quite a bit!
I just wanted to say your son is beautiful and what an awesome mommy you seem to be! Best wishes, Lori