Wednesday, February 14, 2007


We're hanging in there at the moment. I bought Cade his next carseat, a 250$ Britax Decathalon - the best of the best when it comes to carseats, but this carseat should last him until he's 4 yrs old AT LEAST. I figure the investment will pay for itself when I dont have to buy another carseat in year or so.

He'll be 5 months in two days. I'm in shock. How did he get so big!

I've decided to file against Jason. I'm tired of waiting for him to get his shit together so I'm just going to take what's mine. I mainly want to gain full legal custody from him, so he'll never be able to just suddenly decide he wants to make decisions for Cade.

I will also file for child support. This part of the decision I wrestle with, but I have to say I've been so surprised at how I've received NOTHING from him, and his family hasn't offered anything either. Now, I dont EXPECT them too, but I would think they might feel awkward about the situation, knowing I left to move to TX because I couldn't count on Jason for anything, and they're not even sending 20$ to try and help me tide things over.

It's ok all in all. I'm getting along just fine and sooooooooo thankful right now I dont have to share Cade or deal with putting up with anyone else's BS about things. I'm just surprised. And since they're not going out of their way on anything, I wont go out of my way to try and help Jason either.

Tired, time for bed....
Love always,


Mary said...

Good luck with your legal matters! You definitely are entitled to some child support for taking care of your beautiful baby boy-go after it!

Anonymous said...

You're doing the right thing. Jason isn't going to step up and support Caden unless you force him to, so go ahead and get an official order. Caden is so cute, look at those big eyes and long lashes. He looks like you! This is Veronica, BTW, I can't figure out how to get a durn account on here so I have been posting anonymously.