Saturday, February 24, 2007

So we have a smart ass on our hands here, huh?

Less than 2 weeks and I get to jet off to Michigan for a week and see all my beaches and get a night off from this whole mommy thing and get piss drunk. Does it make me sound like a bad mommy that THAT is what I'm looking forward too the most? Going out while someone else watches the baby all night and just getting trashed with my gals... eh. LOL.

I have soooooooooooo many assignments due this week and next and tests in every class. Ugh, it will not be fun. :-\ It's going to take everything in me to get everything done because I dont want to have anything left to do over break. I want a real break.

Cade surprised me tonight with a real deep down jolly belly laugh. We were playing tickle and suddenly he got going and really got into it and was laughing so hard that he couldn't stop right away. It was the most precious thing ever... seeing him like that. He's become so much more interactive these past few weeks, almost like a real little human... thing.

I'm slowly getting over feeling depressed and upset about stopping breastfeeding. With school and being stressed and trying to build my supply and it just got to the point where I couldn't do everything anymore, I HAD to choose. I miss it so much though. I miss holding him and watching him nurse and knowing that I'm the only one in the whole world who could do that for him. Everyone else could change him or play wtih him or snuggle him, but I was his mommy and I got to feed him. I just have to keep in mind that whenever I have another baby I'll be able to better prepare for this, and I'll be so much more educated on nursing and it'll be easier to continue...

so tired and church in the morning...

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