Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Caden, I just wanted to say...
I know I need to get over it, and in a couple days I will but...
I spent nearly 100$ on FOB's daughter. I bought her a Baby Alive, a Bella Dancerella set, and a My Little Pony Bath toy... A few days before Cmas I took the toys to FOBs family where we would be spending the holiday and dropped them off so FOB Daughter wouldn't see them. Come Christmas Eve we're opening the family gifts and I notice that the ONLY gift FOB's Daughter received from FOB and I was the bath toy set.
FOBs Mother decided to take the two NICE expensive gifts I bought and make them Santa gifts without asking me, and then didnt bother to buy any nice Santa gifts herself. She bought a couple markers and coloring books, etc., that's it.
I know that FOB's daughter wont remember who she got the gifts from, but it REALLY pisses me off how I bought those things with MY money I'd saved because I knew she'd LOVE them and I wanted them to be from ME. I told FOB one of them could be from both of us because he has no money to buy gifts (again...)
And then when I got there Christmas Eve andd asked FOBs mom if she remembered to put any Santa gifts together for Caden because Hailey would notice Santa forgot her brother if there was nothing for him under the tree, FOBs mother looked at me like I was crazy and said "I guess I really didnt get him anything this year."
So then the gifts I bought him had to become Santa gifts and I felt like I had been made to be Santa for FOBs daughter and my son when I'm not working and not getting ANY money from FOB at this point. And that's the kicker for me, I have NOT pressed for CS yet, I have NOT asked FOB family for anything other than help with the plane ticket up to MI for the holidays, and I have not complained about anything. And here they go pouring money in their daughters wedding that's coming up in six months and leaving me to play Santa for their two granddkids when I'm not working and not married or even ENGAGED to their son. (They don't know we're breaking up)
To continune my sour mood rant, MY family also seemed a little stingy with Caden this Chistmas. I was sorta expecting them to help more with getting him toys and other items he'll need in the coming year and instead I received a bunch of outfits and cutsey little things. Only one grandparent gave me a check and told me to get whatever I needed.
I'm trying to not have to work while I got to school the next couple semesters, and I've made it very clear to my family I want to try to work as little as possible, so I thought they'd realize that money, gift cards, or useable items for Caden would be nice this Holiday... instead it seems like no one looked bothered to plan ahead and buy him things for 6 months or 9 months or 12 months and, instead, just got me some cutsey things.
For example, I received a Tiffany's Keyring.... Now, it's georgeous and I love it, but I know how much that must have cost and it makes me almost sick to think that I would honestly rather of had the money than the overly expensive keyring...
Or the necklace with "created" gemstones in it that was 200$ when the one I designed and am making payments on is only 125$ with REAL gemstones...
LOL, I feel like a wretched person for complaining about the very NICE items I got, but they're just not... useful? Maybe if I had everything for Caden it'd be nice to have such fine things, but a Tiffany's keyring won't help keep his butt dry...
Friday, December 22, 2006
And it begins...
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Down In A Funk
I hate how he can lay in bed next to Cade and hold Cade's hand and fall asleep just playing with his tiny fingers and little hands. I hate it because it's not fair that he is the one who looks at Cade that way instead of BioDad.
I hate how he can take my breath away with a single kiss and makes me melt into nothing.
I hate how often he tells me he loves me and wants to have my babies.
I hate how he can look at me as if I'm his whole world.
I hate how everything is too little too late.
I just want to do the best for Cade. That's all I want.
I hate how much I still love him.
I think for New Years I'd going to buy myself a journal to write down random lyrics and thoughts about people in my life that I want to remember. "In a box beneath my bed there are letters that you've never read..." I want to write letters to people. I want to tell Him how much I think of Him when I hear Hinder. I want to tell Cade I'm sorry I screamed at him this morning. It's not his fault, it's mine.
And now BioDad is telling me we need to head back to the Apartment because, of course, I'm finally sitting here contentedly typing this up and he can't stand to ever let me just do what I want if it doesnt involved paying attention to him.
When will he ever just let me go?
~ Mav