Saturday, September 8, 2007

Poison Control.

I am posting this because I want to remind all mommies to plug in the number for Poison Control into their cell phones and memory.

If you have a poisoning emergency, call


I had to use this number yesterday. I was proud of myself for being able to keep my wits about me. Yes I was. Thankfully it wasn't a real serious situation. It started with Caden waking up at 5 AM as he seems to be wanting to do these days. 5 AM is just too early for me, I don't think I'm technically alive that early. So I've rearranged my bedroom into a little safe haven for him and I let him out of the crib when he wakes up really early, turn on the TV and I snuggle back in bed while he plays with his toys.

Yesterday about fifteen minutes after I did this I was woken up by a peculiar giggle. Much too happy giggle. The kind of giggle where you know someone did something they weren't supposed to. Yeah that kind. I opened my eyes to see Caden covered in some sort of white mess and gleefully laughing at himself. A closer look noticed a tube of Desitin Creamy in his hands.

This is where the cussing and groaning started.

So I wiped him up, cleaned all the white creamy-ness I could find. Changed his clothing and diaper. Then picked up the Desitin tube and looked on the back. Who knows how much he actually ingested. I don't think he ate much, but never know... The tube, of course, says to contact poison control.


Just what I wanted to do before heading off to class for the day.

So I jumped online and looked up the number ( 1-800-222-1222) and spent two minutes talking to a helpful and reassuring voice. "Give him something to drink, watch him, expect a little diarrhea".

And that was that.

But it made me realize, I never would have thought to double check to see if someone had put the diaper bag in a corner of my room. But it was there, he got into it, and now I know better. And now I know the number to poison control (800-222-1222) hopefully after seeing it three times you do too. And should the unthinkable happen and we need to call them, we'll both have the number programed into our phone.


Anonymous said...

You didn't do anything wrong, for one. I am glad that you posted this though. It does make you think, and hopefully women will realize that even if you don't think it could might.

Kate said...

Ahhh yes, poison control. ha ha. Vanessa used to love eating her Desitin. No idea how she would find it but it never failed. I think she ate it like 4 times in 3 months once. Psycho kid. lol.

Glad he's ok, it'll clean him out lol. And glad you were able to be calm.

Lacey said...

Good for you for keeping calm. And good for Caden for practicing his hand-eye coordination. ;) At least you know he's progressing. Seriously though, glad you were about to take care of him and stay calm. You're a great Mommy.

Anonymous said...

Yup, Have had it in my phone for about three years now. When Caleb was about two he got into my grandmother's pilles for her chron's disease. I was on the phone with poison control as I was buckling him into his carseat on the way to the ER. They had to force him to take that charcoal stuff, and take blood, and then I had to keep him out of daycare for a week because the medication messed with his immune system for a few days. Yes, the number to poision control is a must have.