Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Testing One Two Three...

I've had many blogs throughout my life on the internet. Some I've managed to update regularly, some forgotten, but the theme in them all was that they've been seperated by the different audiences I've held at the blog's site.

My goal in this blog here is to join the audiences from ALL my former blogs and continue to write about life as it is. With a little humor and occasional sarcasm (HA!) I'll record my happenings, thoughts and activities with the hopes that someone else may be as entertained as I am. So, without further delay, my first entry...

What exactly is a Maverick mother?

The answer? I'm not 100% entierly sure... However, here's what I THINK she is. A Maverick mother is one who does not follow along with the rest of society and instead makes the best choices she can by using what she knows and feels in her heart. They may be right and will occasionaly be wrong, but she never regrets the choice she's made. It can be about what to cook for dinner or how to raise her child, the Maverick Mother does the best she can and doesn't apologize for it.

Hopefully we'll all survive the journey...


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