Monday, November 20, 2006


Just a little picture post at the moment...

Caden is FINALLY sleeping after another long day with no naps. :-\ I don't understand what it is with this boy, he just hates to sleep at the moment and of course it makes me want to just cuddle and hold him until he finally passes out. He's so overtired, poor baby.

Last night I thought we had a break through when I was able to set him in his crib, he woke up and stirred a little, I gave him his paci and he went right back to sleep. However I can't seem to repeat this and ever since he's been back to screaming his head off every time he wakes up in the crib.

He's starting to become more vocal now with lots of loud coos and odd squeals. Every morning we wake up together and 'talk' for a good 20 minutes. He likes to tell me all about his dreams from the night before and what he wants to do today.
I love him in the morning, fresh from a night's sleep. He always is so playful and full of smiles, it melts my heart.
He's also starting to enjoy some of his toys more these days. We put him in his bouncer seat, turn on the lights, and watch as he stares at them and follow them with his eyes and coo.

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